domingo, 15 de junio de 2008

Empanadas Argentinas, un plato típico...que ricasssss!!! A traditional dish : Argentinian empanadas

Argentine empanadas are a common dish served at parties, as a starter, as a main course or in festivals. Shops specialize in freshly-made empanadas, with many flavors and fillings.

The dough is usually of wheat flour and lard with fillings differing from province to province: in some it is mainly chicken in others beef (cubed or ground depending on the region), perhaps spiced with cumin and paprika, whilst others include onion, boiled egg, olive, raisins of grape and in some provinces even peas. Potato is often added as a filler in poorer areas. Empanadas can be baked (more common in restaurants and cities) or fried (more common in rural areas and at festivals). They may also contain cheese, ham and cheese, fish, humita (sweetcorn with white sauce) or spinach; a fruit filling is used to create a dessert empanada. Empanadas of the interior regions can be spiced with peppers.

In restaurants where several types are served, a repulgue, or pattern, is added to the pastry fold. These patterns, * which can be quite elaborate, distinguish the filling. In modern restaurants in Argentina, adventurous new fillings are being tried, with the traditional recipe being reinvented by modern chefs.

*Empanadas from Salta or "Empanadas salteñas" are characterized by the use of potatoes, the beef or goat meat and diverse varieties of red pepper.
*Province of Jujuy - empanadas Jujeñas are very similar to those from La Salta though peas, red peppers and goat meat is more favoured.
*Province of Santiago del Estero tend to commonly use peas, white onion, and hard boiled egg.
*Province of Cordoba- The empanadas from Cordoba are characterized by the use of raisins, potatoes, and sugar.
*Provinces of Catamarca and La Rioja - Empanadas Catamarqueñas and Las Riojan tend to have garlic, potatoes, goat meat , onion and olives as ther fillings.
*Provinces of Cuyo and San Juan - The empanadas of these provinces are very similar to those of Chile having more onion, often spring onions.
*Province of Entre Rios - The empanadas here are often stuffed with milk-soaked rice.
*Provinces of Corrientes, Misiones and Formosa - Empanada pastry is occasionally made with manioc - mandioca flour, and although beef as a filling predominates fish is not unusual.
*Province of Buenos Aires and the city of Buenos Aires - The preferred empanada one is very similar to that of Tucuman but with a greater variety of fillings.
*Province of Pampas - Here empanadas reflect the crossing of various regional influences from Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Mendoza, and Patagonia. So that being so the most frequent empanada fillings can include red peppers, carrots, hard boiled egg, and currents.
*In the Patagónian provinces (Neuquén, Negro River, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, Antártica and Islands of the South Atlantic) the most frequent filling is lamb although in the coastal zones fish and, specially, seafood, is common. In Neuquén the usually condiment is merken.
During Lent and Easter, "empanadas de Cuaresma" based on fish (usually dogfish or tuna)are popular.
In the countryside bushmeat (game) as a filling for are not unknown the can include: vizcacha, donkey, capybara, crocodile, rhea etc.
La empanada argentina es un plato muy consumido en este país, que recibe la tradición rioplatense junto al Uruguay, y que actualmente ha sistematizado su fabricación en tiendas y negocios de envío a domicilio. Suelen ser de tamaño pequeño, individual, un poco más grandes de lo que en España se llamarían empanadillas y más chicas que las que se consumen en Chile. La masa está hecha con harina de trigo y grasa vacuna, generalmente. El relleno varía de provincia en provincia; se basa principalmente en carne de vaca o de pollo, más distintos aderezos como cebolla, huevo, aceituna, pasas de uva y en algunas provincias incluso papa o arvejas.Para que los comensales sepan cuál es el relleno o pebre (o recado) de cada empanada el/la cocinera/o cierran la "tapa" de la empanada con un "repulgo" o "simba" característico para cada relleno.
La empanada normalmente se cocina al horno o frita. Generalmente tiene forma de semicírculo de no más de 20 cm de largo, cerrado en los bordes con un elaborado repulgo.
Entre sus variantes principales están: las de carne (de carne vacuna o de carne de pollo), las de humita y las de jamón y queso. La empanada de carne (vacuna) se prepara generalmente con carne picada (aunque los especialistas prefieren carne tipo lomo cortada finamente), cebolla en cabeza y cebolla de verdeo, huevos cocidos picados, aceitunas y, en ocasiones, pasas de uva, para que sean "jugosas" se les añade "pella" es decir grasa fina (una auténtica empanada criolla jamás tiene su pebre , relleno o recado frito con aceite vegetal). Se condimenta fuertemente, especialmente con comino, pimentón dulce y ají molido . La empanada de jamón y queso suele también llevar tomates picados.

How to make empanadas

Un Argento en New York preparando empanadas

Comiendo empanadas... tipicamente argentino ... a couple of guys eating empanadas

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